A Call for Class Captains

Lycée Français de New York Alumni Board is in the process of identifying two Class Captains for each graduation year. The Alumni Board initially launched this initiative to maximize alumni attendance at the Lycée's 75th Anniversary events kicking off this September with invitations being sent out in mid-August; however, the board is now looking at the roles of Class Captains to be longer term to deepen the connection between alumni and the school.

With this in mind, the responsibilities of Class Captains will include:

  • Serving as point person for your class
  • Organizing class reunions
  • Collecting classmate's contact information
  • Inviting classmates to Lycée events, including the Annual Gala, Fall Festival, Spring Fair, and Movie Nights
  • Relaying alumni suggestions to the Alumni Board and the school

If interested in serving as a Class Captain for your class, please contact Alumni Board member Alex Dulac (alex.dulac@gmail.com) or Claude Aska, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations (caska@lfny.org). The Board hopes to find a strong core of alumni who feel strongly about staying connected to the Lycée community and each other. Alumni residing outside of New York are also encouraged to help in this new endeavor as we have many former students living outside the US.

Please fill in your updated information on the alumni database page (http://www.lfny.org/index.php?action=alumni_contact&lang=en) and forward to your classmates so that we can send you and them:

  • Details regarding the 75th Anniversary events
  • Notification of major LFNY events, including class reunions and alumni events
  • Copy of our LFNY magazine, which is sent out once a year, and
  • Quarterly LFNY alum newsletter

If a fellow alum asks for your contact information, the Alumni Board will not divulge it unless you grant us permission to share your contact information when we launch our alumni directory later this year.

The Alumni Board thanks you for your assistance and hopes to connect with you at one of the many exciting 75th Anniversary events.

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LFNY alum – Lycée Français de New York – 2010-2011 Head of school: Yves Thézé / Editors: Claude Aska, Marie-Noëlle Pierce mnpierce@alfny.org, Céline Yvan / Contributors: Claude Aska, Gabrielle Griswold, Marie-Noëlle Pierce / Photography: Vérane Fradin-Castelnau/ Technical support: Jon Linn, Netcare.