The Lycée Strolls Musically Through Time

And welcomes Volunteers to Sing Along

Head of School, Yves Thézé, and Musical Director, Remy Loumbrozo, have charged themselves with quite the ambitious project to commemorate the Lycée's 75 years of excellence. They are writing an original musical review of the history of the Lycée Français de New York in conjunction with major events that took place in New York and Paris over the past 75 years. But the Lycée's version of Rogers and Hammerstein is not stopping at major historical events to breathe provocation into their opus. There is, as with any top notch stage production, a twist: The Lycée will be seen through the eyes of a primary student whose grandparent has worked at the school for a number of decades.

This multi-media production will use the stage as a runway for the older students to parade looks from particular decades while the younger students sing songs representative of the times. Each decade will be commemorated by one French song and one English song, or a medley in Franglais (the unofficial language of the Lycée). The songs and period costumes will be only a portion of the spectacle. There will be video projections above the action on stage that will focus on each decade, as well as sounds of the times and historical photographs to engross the audience.

L'Équipe Thézé-Loumbrozo is indeed a formidable tandem, but two individuals cannot do everything. They are looking for volunteers who are willing to offer their expertise and passion to the various parts in order to ensure the success of the whole; thus the team welcomes wholeheartedly any alumni who would like to volunteer to participate in this historic, and fun, undertaking.

The many ways in which individuals can participate in the Lycée's 75th Anniversary Musical are:

Performing: Alumni who were in Lycée shows as students are encouraged to come back and relive moments under the bright lights by participating in at least one song. The commitment required be in a performance is far from outrageous, but coming to some rehearsals is necessary.

Choreography: Experienced alumni who have are interested in choreographing at least one musical number are welcome to bring their stage savvy to the Lycée.

Set design: An alumnus who either knows set design or is willing to work with the musical team on set design should definitely volunteer to participate in the musical.

Stage Manager: This would be a bit of a longer term commitment; approximately a month and a half, including two practices per week - one week day and one Saturday.

And of course anyone who has experience with stage productions is welcome to be a part of the show. To find out more about how to be a part of the Lycée's 75th Anniversary Musical, alumni should contact Claude Aska at

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LFNY alum – Lycée Français de New York – 2010-2011 Head of school: Yves Thézé / Editors: Claude Aska, Marie-Noëlle Pierce, Céline Yvan / Contributors: Claude Aska, Gabrielle Griswold, Marie-Noëlle Pierce / Photography: Vérane Fradin-Castelnau/ Technical support: Jon Linn, Netcare.